
Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, Edward; Grantee: Beatty, Volume 184, page 487, #123992; FHL microfilm 461379
October 30, 1705 [there is over 50 years between the date of this deed and the registration of the deed. The 1705 date could be an error in the Memorial.—LTB]. Indented Lease. “Made between Edward Beatty of Dingins in the County of Cavan Gent and the Rev’d Mr John Beatty of Dingins aforesaid of the one part and Arthur Beatty of Dingins aforesaid Gent of the other part whereby the said Edward and John Beatty demised and sett unto the said Arthur Beatty all that the Fort Hill containing forty acres be the same more or less the Ford Park and piece of Meadow Ground on the south of the said Ford which contains about twelve acres be the same more or less, situate in the lands of Dingins aforesaid Barony of Tulahunco[Tullyhunco] and County of Cavan. To hold during the term of two years from the first day of May then last past at the yearly rent of fifteen pounds ster to be paid by two gales at Michaelmas and Easter and also to hold the said Fort Hill during the term of twenty one years from the first day of May which will be in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven and to be renewed by the said John Beatty his heirs and assigns forever at the expiration of every twenty one years at the yearly rent of fifteen pounds during the lease of Daniel Shanagh in a Little Meadow of the premises and paying unto the said Edward and John Beatty after the expiration of said Daniel Shanaghys Term in said Meadow ye yearly rent of sixteen pounds sterling by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter and paying at the expiration of every twenty one years a fine of one pound ten shillings ster and paying for the said Ford Park and piece of meadow after the death of the said Edward Beatty to the said John Beatty the yearly rent of four pounds sterling by equal gales at Michaelmas and Easter and to be renewed forever with the said Fort Hill at the expiration of every twenty one years from the Death of the said Edward Beatty for which said deed there is a clause of distress and reentry and other usual clauses and covenants between landlord and tenant. The witnesses to the said deed are Richard Ferguson of Knockcakey & Robert Beatty of Dingins in the County of Cavan aforesaid gent and this Memorial is witnesses by the said Richard Ferguson and by George Nicolls of the City of Dublin Gent. – Arthur Beaty (Seal).” Registered March 23, 1757. |
