Irish Records

Grantor: Beatty, James; Grantee: Thompson, Volume 160, page 307, #107609; FHL microfilm 461364

January 15, 1749. Indenture of lease. James Beaty of Clownish, Co. Monaghan, Gent. demised to Robert Thomson of Newry, Co. Down, apothecary “part of a tenement on the east side of North Street in Newry aforesaid then in the possession of the said Robt. Thomson whereon he had lately built a new house to wit twenty three feet in length in front of said tenement be the same more or less beginning at and extending from the middle of the entry between the said Thompsons house and another house also lately built by John Mercer of Newry aforesaid on part of said tenement and ending at Samuel Templetons house together with one full third part of the back sides & gardens between Archibald Lukes holding under said Beatty and John Davis’s holding under John Combs meared and bounded by John Mercers holding South by the said Street west by said Samuel Templeton’s holding north and by David Gousans garden east…for and during the natural lives of his present Majesty King George the second and for and during the natural life of his late Royal Highness Frederick then Prince of Wales and likewise for and during the life of his Royal Highness Prince William.” Witnesses: Robt. Walker and Hugh Hamilton of Newry, merchants and George Walker of the same Not. Pub. Registered April 18, 1753.