Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, James; Grantee: Blair, Volume 173, page 597 (397?), #117605; FHL microfilm 461373
February 15, 1754. James Beatty of Clownish, Co. Monaghan, gentleman leased to James Blair of Newry, in the Lordship of Newry, Co. Down, merchant “all that tenement on the East side of North Street in Newry aforesaid formerly called Andrew Saint Clair’s tenement & then in the possession of the said James Blair containing in front thirty nine feet be the same more or less bounded on the North by John Walls Tenement on the East by David Gausons Garden on the south by Cornett Scotts tenement and on the west with the said street…” “The grand lease of the premises made by Robt Nedham Esq. to the said James Beatty to role unto the s’d James Blairs…during the natural life & lives of his present Majesty King George the second & also for and during the life of his Royal Highness George now Prince of Wales & likewise for and during the life of His Royal Highness Prince William Duke of Chamberlin…” Rent is £5-17/- with a clause of renewal forever, a fine of 1 shilling payable at the fall of each life. Witnesses: Robt. Thomson, apothecary & Adam Walker, gentleman, both of Newry, Co. Down. |