
Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, John; Grantee: Graham, Volume 123, page 380, #85044; FHL microfilm 461351
January 11, 1745. Indented Lease. Rt Hon. Tom Graham of Platten, Co. Meath, Esq. demised to John Beaty (sic) of the town & County of Monaghan, Gent & Richard Donaldson of Posesstown, Co. Meath, Gent the lands of Ballyloughan, Kittleagh & Castlering (370 acres), lying in the Manor of Castlering & Co. of Louth “with ye water mill thereon.” Lease for life and lives of Ann Wiggin of the City of Dublin, Richard Tilgate of Lyssceny and Wm. Tilgate eldest son of Alexander Tilgate of Lissceny, Co. Louth. Yearly rent 5 shillings pre acre. On the back of this lease John Beatty, Richard Donaldson & Ann Wiggins sign Ann Wiggins portion of the lease over to William Graham. Witnesses: Walter Glascock, City of Dublin, Gent. & Arthur Elliot servant to the said Wm. Graham. Witnesses on back of lease Walter Glascock & Richard Filgate |
