Irish Records
Grantor: Betty, John; Grantee: Ross, Volume 125, page 243, #84896; FHL microfilm 522830
March 1, 1745. “Between John Betty of Drumhado in the Co. of Donegal farmer of the one part & David Ross of the City of Londonderry, merchant of the other part whereby after reciting that the Society of the Gover’t & Assist’ts London of the New Plantation in Ulster in Ireland did by the indenture of lease under their Common seal bearing date of sixteenth day of December one thousand seven hundred & thirty four demise and to farm let unto Jas Browne of Cogglase in the libertys of the said city of Londonderry farmer & the said John Betty all that parcel of land lying in the Qua’l (?) land of Ballynagoroan in the said libertys containing by estimation seventy seven acres one rood & twenty eight perches English measure be the same more or less formerly in the tenure of John Harvey & then of the said John Betty & his under tenants..” James Brown sold his share of the lease to John Betty who in turn sold the lease to David Ross. Witnesses: John Read of Ballygarnet in the libertys of the City of Londonderry, farmer & Arthur Vance of said city, merchant. Memorial is also witnessed by James Hamilton of said city, attorney. |