Irish Records
Grantor: Batty, John, Grantee: Batty, Volume 260, page 180, #168267; FHL microfilm 528936 [Copy of deed is hard to read]
November 27, 1767. Rev. John Batty of Timolin, Co. Kildare Clerk only surviving Exor of the Last Will and Testm’t of Anne Jones late of the city of Dublin, widow, deceased of the one part and Espine Batty of Ballyhely (?) in the County of Westmeath Esq. of the other part. Reciting that by deed of mortgage bearing date the twenty fifth day of May one thousand seven hundred and fifty four made between John Stephens of the city of Dublin gent. eldest son & heir male of John Stephens late of Killmorry in the county of Wicklow dec’d of the first part and the said Anne Jones of the second part, Mich’l Swyt of the City of Dublin Gent of the third part and Richard Corbell of the same city, Gent of the fourth part and the said John Stephens in consideration of two hundred pounds ster. Did grant and confirm unto the said Ann Jones all that yearly rent of sixty pounds sterling ??? and payable by Chas Batty of Ballyhely aforesaid gent. his heirs and assigns forever out of or for the moiety of the lands of Ballynure, Bolanstowne, Ballinlough, Waddington otherwise Ballinlaughwaddington, Ballyhare and part of Bolerath situate in the Barony of Delvin and county of Westmeath…” John Batty sold to Espine Batty the above yearly rent for £200, subject to the equity of redemption remaining to John Stephens. Witnesses: Christian Roedoc Clerk to Thom Mulook of the city of Dublin Public Notary and Thomas Mulook. Registered November 27, 1767. |