Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, Edward & others, Grantee: Neynoe, Volume 240, page 343, #155710; FHL microfilm 461408
June 1, 1765. “Between Roger Kirkby of the City of Dublin gent. and Edw’d Beatty of the same city Stationer of the first part John Houghton of the same carver of the second part and William Noynoe of the said city Esq’r of the third part. Reciting as therein recited. Which Deed witnesseth that the said John Houghton, Roger Kirkly and Edward Beatty for the consideration therein particularly mentioned did grant assign and make over unto the said Wm. Neynoe his Exrs, Admrs and assigns all and every part of an annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds sterling therein mentioned issuing and payable out of all that & those three lotts of ground houses and premises containing in front to Alley Street sixty three feet five inches and in the rear to new Strand Street sixty feet and in depth from front to rear on the East side ninety five feet and in depth on the west side one hundred and eight feet bounded north to Abby Street, south new Strand Street East to McCrookes then holding and West to McBeale then holding from William Wilde merchant dec’d be the said contents (?) more or less situate on the South side of Abby Street otherwise the Strand in the liberties of the city of Dublin aforesaid and described in a map to a lease thereof annexed which the said Wm. Wilde had demised to John Houghton the elder father to the said John Houghton party thereto his Exrs Admrs and assigns from the twenty ninth of September One thousand seven hundred and thirty eight for the term of two hundred years at the yearly rent of fifteen pounds fifteen shillings sterling above taxes…” Witnesses: Michael Swift of the city of Dublin, gent, atty and Robert Ormsby of the same city, Gent. |