Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, Henry, Grantee: Russell, Volume 202, page 102, #133499; FHL microfilm 461388
August 28 & 29, 1759; Henry Beatty of the Parish of Ballinderry, Co. of Antrim of 1st part to John Russell of Lancashire, England, merchant on 2nd part. “Reciting that the Rt. Honorable Fran’s L’d Baron Conway of Killullagh did by Deed of Lease bearing date the eighteenth day of Feb’y one thousand seven hun’d & forty two demise unto the s’d Henry Beatty his heirs, Exrs & admr’s for the considerations therein mentioned all ye & those the farm, tenements & parcels of land called part Mullaglass & Drumankelly containing by estimation three hundred & seventy three acres & three roods English measure be the same more or less late in the possession of Henry Close & partners situate in the Parish of Derryaghy Bo. of Killcullagh & Co. of Antrim together with all houses, out houses, edifices, buildings, orchards & gardens, back sides, rights libertys & appurts thereunto belonging for the lives of Henry Beatty & Martha Beatty son & daur of the s’d Henry Beatty & Robt McKnight son of Robt McKnight late of the Parish of Ballinderry & Co. of Antrim dec’d & the survivor & survivors of them & from the death of such survivor for so much of the term of forty one years & com. the first day of Nov’r then past as shall then remain unexpired at the yearly rent of twenty two pounds sixteen shillings & two pence…” Henry Beatty for £400 pounds transferred the lease to John Russell. Witnesses: Swift Perry & David Swiney both of Dromore, Co. Down. Memorial also witnessed by William Bateman of Dromore, Co. Down. Registered Oct. 2, 1859. |