Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, Jane & another, Grantee: Conyngham, Volume 247, page 423, #162713; FHL microfilm 461412
September 22, 1766; “between Palmer Beatty and Jane Beatty of Tamnaskeney in the County of Tyrone of the one part & Rev’d John Coningham of Mackney and county aforesaid Clerk of the other part wherein is recited certain Deeds of Lease and release of five parts made between William Richardson of Summerseat in the County of Londonderry Esq’r of the first part, Mary Eyles of the city of London of the second part, Sir John Eyles Baronet and Roger Drake of the city of London Esquire of the third part Albert Nesbit and William Selwen of the city of London of the fourth part and Francis Haskins Eyles Hyles of Bowdenpark of the county of Witts Esq’r and Nath’l Cole of Bass in Hall Street London, gent., of the fifth part. Whereby the said William Richardson for & in consideration of a marriage then intended to be and since had between him & the said Mary Eyles & for the other considerations in s’d Deed mentioned did grant & convey the Manor of St. John Baptist and the sev’l Towns, tenements & heriditaments therein mentioned and parly to the use of the said Albert Nesbit & William Selwin their heirs Exrs Admrs and assigns for the term of five hundred years under the limitations and provisos therein ment’d the raise thereout the sum of three thousand pounds and to pay and apply the same in such manners and to such person or persons as the said Mary by any Deed will or writing should direct or appoint and also reciting that by Deed poll dated twenty seventh day of November one thousand seven hundred and fifty four the said Mary Richardson als Eyles did direct and appoint the said sum of three thousand pounds to be applied in the manner and to the persons therein mentioned & thereby directed one hundred thereof to be paid unto the said Jane Beatty wife of the said Palmer Beatty whereby the said Palmer Beatty and Jane Beatty for the consideration therein mentioned sold assigned transferred and made over unto the said John Conyngham his exrs adms and assigns the said sum of one hundred pounds so directed to be paid to them by the said recited Deed poll..” Witnesses: James Moore and Alexander Watt both of Killdey, Co. Tyrone farmers. Memorial witnessed by John Wright of the city of Dublin. |