Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, John & another, Grantee: Noble, Volume 202, page 250, #133885; FHL microfilm 461388
November 19, 1759; “Release made between Fran’s Carroll of Castleshane in the Co. of Monaghan only son & heir & admr of Wm. Carroll late of Castleshane afores’d of the first part Thos Noble of the city of Dublin & one of ye attys of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer in Ireland of the sec’d part & Jno Beatty of Kingurry in the Co. of Monaghan afores’d Eldest son heir & Exr of Jno Beatty late of the town & Co. of Monaghan afores’d decd of the third part…John Beatty dec’d being intitled to a messuage or tenem’t in the s’d town of Monaghan by virtue of an Indre of Lease for three lives renewable forever did by Deeds of Lease & release bearing date respectively the fourteenth & fifteenth days of Oct’r one thousand seven hundred & forty seven for the considerations therein mentioned grant & convey unto ye sd Wm Carroll his heirs & assigns all ye the s’d messuage or tenement in the town of Monaghan adjoining the church yard of s’d town fronting the marketplace with all ye appurts thereto belonging & then in the possession of Robt Forster, Fran’s McKenna and Jno Burgess all of s’d town, merchants…” Francis Carroll assigned the lease to Thomas Noble. He also assigned to Thomas Noble “a judgement obtained agt the s’d Jno Beatty dec’d at the suit of the s’d Wm. Carroll for one thousand six hundred pounds debt besides costs in Michaelmas term one thousand seven hundred and forty eight in his Majesty’s Court of Kingsbench in Ireland.” Witnesses Brabazon Noble of Dunamine, Co. of Monaghan & John Johnston of Urcher, Co. of Armagh. Memorial also witnessed by Samuel Connolly of the city of Dublin. |