Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, John & others, Grantee: Campbell, Volume 206, page 43, #134815; FHL microfilm 461390
February 21 & 22, 1759; “between Ralph Semple of the City of Dublin, gent., one of the Attys of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer in Ireland of the first part, John Beatty of Kingorrey in the Parish of Tyhallan & County of Monaghan, Esq., eldest son & heir & Edward Lucas of Castleshane in the sd Co. of Monaghan, Esq., Exrs of John Beatty late of the Town & County of Monaghan aforesaid Gent, Dec’d of the second part the Rt Honble James Earl of Clanbrafells Chief Ram(?) of His Majesty’s Courts of Exchequer in Ireland of the third part & John Campbell of the city of Dublin afores’d Gent one of the Attys of sd Court of Exchequer of the fourth part.” Ralph Semple, John Beatty and Edward Lucas sold to John Campbell “ye malt house & garden at Sparkes Lough tog’r with the field commonly called Sparks Lough meadow & Cormick McArdles Tenem’t and also the Tenem’t in Clownish street joining Jno Campbell’s tenem’t all that part joining Sparks Lough & opposite ?? Holding in Mullycrogherd cont’g by Estm’n seven acres two roods & ten perches English measure be the same more or less and all that Tenem’t in Dublin Street in Monaghan tog’r with a park in Terkeenan late in the possession of s’d John Beatty dec’d situate in the parish and Co. of Monaghan cont’g by Est’n five acres one rood & nineteen perches English measure….” Witnesses: Wm. Nixon of Mullaghduff, Co. Fermanagh and Edward Morris of Strabane, Co. of Tyrone. |