Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, Isaac; Grantee: Boyd, Volume 305, page 51, #200,444; FHL microfilm 531,678
A memorial of Articles of Marriage Poll bearing date the fifth day of June one thousand seven hundred & seventy one and made between Wm. Beaty (sic) of Aghnavalloge in the County of Down of the one part Isaac Beaty son of said William of the second part and Samuel Boyde of Ballynamaganoch in said county & Janet Boyde daug'r of the said Sam'l of the third part. Whereby it was concluded and agreed by and between all the said parties that a marriage shall be had and solemnized between the said Isaac Beaty and the said Janet Boyde & the said Will'm Beaty in consideration of said marriage and of a marriage portion therein mentioned to be paid and secured to the said Isaac Beaty by the said Sam'l Boyd did Coven't and promise to give up unto the said Isaac Beaty the one half of all his household furniture & two cowes and the one half of his horse one half of his farm and crop of every sort and kind, and in case the said Wm. Beaty should obtain a lease of his said farm in such case he the said Isaac shall have and enjoy one half thereof paying one half or equal share of the expenses attending the same and that after the Death of the said William and his wife Jane the said Isaac is to have and enjoy the whole of said farm which said articles are witnessed by Will'm Christian of Ballynalack in the Co. of Armagh farmer and Char's Wright of Rothfryland in the said County of Down Publican. And this Memo'l is witnessed by the said Wm Christian and George Christian of Ballynalech of are Black Smith--Sam'l Boyd (seal) Signed sealed in the presence of George Christian, Wm. Christian. The above named Wm. Christian maketh oath that he is a subscribing witness to the articles of marriage whereof the above writ'g is a Mem'l & also to the said Mem'l and saith he saw the said Wm Beaty, Isaac Beaty and Sam'l Boyde duly sign seal & execute the s'd articles and also saw the said Sam'l Boyd duly sign & seal the said Mem'l and saith that the name Wm. Christian subscribed as a witness to the said articles and Memorial is the Dep't name and proper handwriting Wm. Christian Sworn before me at Scarva in the Co. of Down the 27th July 1773 by virtue of Comon to me directed for taking appi't in said County & I know the Depo't Jam's McCandless Justices John Reily Jam's Dawson |