Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, Peter & others, Grantee: Armstrong & others, Volume 223, page 465, #149003; FHL microfilm 461399;
May 11 & 12, 1763. [A very complicated marriage settlement, over 4 pages long] “Lease made between Peter Beatty of Coolagharty in the county of Longford Gent eldest son and heir at law of Rob’t Beatty late of Coolagharty aforesaid gent dec’d of the one part & Andrew Armstrong of Gallen in the Kings County Esq’r and Peter Metge of Alhlumney in the County of Meath Esq’r of the other part and the release made between the said Peter Beatty of the first part to Galbraith Holmes of Ballinlough in the said county of Longford esq’r and Jane Holmes only daur of the said Galbraith of the second part Andrew Armstrong of Gallen in the Kings county Esq’r and Peter Metge of Alglumney in the county of Meath Esq’r of the third part Thom Crofton of Colveen of the county of Westmeath esq. & Wm. Harkness of Corr in the county of Cavan Gent of the fourth part John Cooke of the city of Dublin ?? of the fifth part & Peter Thompson of Clonfin of the said county of Longford, Gent. of the sixth part in which release it is recited that by Lease & release dated the twenty seventh and twenty eighth of May one thousand and seven hundred & forty two the release being of four parts & made between the s’d Galbraith Holmes & Isabella Holmes otherwise Hamilton of Lisclony in the Kings County widow & mother of the said Galbraith of the first part Jane Adair of the city of Dublin widow & relict of Robt Adair late of the s’d city Esq’r dec’d & Dorcas Adair spinster Daur of the s’d Robt by the s’d Jane of the second part Edmond Armstrong of Killcolgan in the Kings County afores’d Esq’r & John Adair of the city of Dublin Esq. & the s’d John Cooke party hereto of the fourth part the s’d Galbraith Holmes & Isabella for the consideration therein mentioned did grant, release & confirm unto the s’d Edmond Armstrong & John Adair” [a long description of land follows including lands of Rathcore, Ballyaboy, Rabrackon, Ballymully and many other parcels of land, all in the county of Longford]. This land is for the use of Galbraith Holmes for his life and for Dorcas Adair if she should survive her intended husband, Galbraith Holmes, an annuity & £200 in lieu of dower. Several clauses are included about surviving children of the intended marriage between Dorcas Adair and Galbraith Holmes. “It is also recited in the s’d release of which this is a Memorial that s’d marriage was afterwards had between Galbraith Holmes & Dorcas Adair & that there is issue of s’d marriage now living: Three sons to wit George Holmes, Rob’t Holmes & Galbraith Holmes and one daughter Jane Holmes party hereto & that Thomas Armstrong was since dead & the s’d John Cooke is the only surviving trustee of s’d two hundred years & that a marriage was then soon intended to be had between Peter Beatty & said Jane Holmes…” One thousand pounds marriage settlement was conferred upon Jane Holmes by the marriage settlement of her parents Galbraith Holmes and Dorcas Adair and the deed sets out many stipulations about the use of this money. “Peter Beatty did by s’d release of which this is a memorial for the considerations therein mentioned grant bargain sell alien release & confirm unto the said Andrew Armstrong & Peter Metge & to their heirs & assigns all that & those the Towns & lands of Aughakin otherwise Aghakine the Town & Lands of Coolarty otherwise Coolagharty, Largan, Muckervagh otherwise Muckerstaff & the Town and Lands of Tonewarden except as therein excepted situate in the County of Longford…for the natural lives and life of s’d Peter Beatty party thereto, Robt Beatty and Peter Thompson…” Witnesses: Bryan McGonnell of Coolagharty, farmer; Robert Beatty of Clonfin Gent., both of the County of Longford & the Rev. Maurice Dalton of Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Registered January 13, 1764. |