Irish Records
Grantor: Betty, Henry, Grantee: Haddock, Volume 205, page 514, #137181; FHL microfilm 461390
March 11, 1760; Henry Betty of Ballinderry, Co. Antrim to Susanna Haddock, widow, of Ballinderry, Co. Antrim. For £115-16/6 Henry Betty sold to Susanna Haddock “parcel of land called part Ballyscolly & Brackanhill” containing 54 acres and 1 rood English measure, now in the possession of Henry Betty, located in the Parish of Ballinderry and Manor of Killullagh, Co. of Antrim for “the remainder of the term of years unexpired in the Grand lease of sd premises made to the sd Henry Betty by the Rt Hon’ble the now Earl of Herford subject to the yearly rent.” Witnessed by Samuel Heron of Lisburn & Hec Casement of Ballinderry, both in Co. Antrim. Memorial is also witnessed by Jane Heron, wife of Samuel Heron. Registered November 10, 1760. |