Irish Records
Grantor: Betty, Henry & another, Grantee: Hall, Volume 236, page 169, #153849; FHL microfilm 461406
January 14 & 15, 1764. John Betty and Henry Betty both of the parish of Ballinderry & County of Antrim of the one part and Thomas Hall of the parish of Caghala (?), County Antrim of the other part. “Reciting an indenture of lease dated the sixteenth day of April in the year one thousand seven hundred and forty one made by the Right Honorable Francis Lord Baron Conway and Kilullta (now Earl of Hartford) of the lands of Bracken Hill containing by estimation sixty one acres English measure in the parish of Ballinderry and county aforesaid to Samuel Thompson of the said parish of Ballinderry and county aforesaid for the lives of John and Samuel Thompson and Ann Thompson his daughter and the survivor of them and from the death of the survivor for so much of the term of forty one years & from the first day of November then last as shall then remain unexpired and also reciting that he the said Samuel Thompson by ?? the tenth day of January one thousand seven hundred and forty two and for the considerations therein mentioned convey in mortgage the said herein before recited premises and said indenture of lease thereof unto Mark Pool of Ballinderry and county aforesaid tanner and reciting also by another indented Deed dated the twenty eight day of October one thousand seven hundred and forty six made between them the said Sam Thompson and Mark Pool of the one part and Henry Betty of the parish of Ballinderry and county aforesaid of the other part whereby the said Mark Pool did for the consideration therein mentioned assign and convey the said mortgage unto him the said Henry Betty and also that he the said Samuel Thompson did for the consideration therein mentioned thereby grant and convey the said lands and premises with all his Estate Right Title Interest & Equity of Right of redemption therein unto the said Henry Betty his heirs and assigns and also reciting by a deed dated the second day of November One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Nine he the said Henry Betty did for the consideration therein mentioned convey in Mortgage the said recited premises to Isaac Davis of Ballinderry and County aforesaid farmer and that the Consideration therein mentioned is since paid by the said Thomas Hall and reciting also that by Deed Pole dated the fourteenth day of July one thousand seven hundred and sixty whereby the said Henry Betty did for the consideration therein mentioned give grant and confirm unto John Betty his heirs and assigns the said lands and premises and that by said deeds of lease and release they the said John and Henry Betty did for the considerations therein mentioned grant bargain sale assign and release unto the said Thomas Hall his heirs and assigns the said Indenture of Lease and the premises thereby granted by the said Lord Conway (they then being in the actual possession of the s’d Thomas Hall by virtue of a bargain and sale for one whole year by indenture thereof to him made by the said John and Henry Betty bearing Date the 10 Oct before the day of the date of said Deed of Release and by force and virtue of the statute for transferring uses into possession) But subject to the proviso or condition of redemption that if the said John and Henry Betty their Exrs Admrs and assigns pay the consideration in said Deed of release mentioned unto the said Thomas Hall his Exrs Admrs and assigns that then the estate thereby granted shall cease and be void as also one bond dated fifteenth day of January one thousand seven hundred and sixty five of the penalty of seventy two pounds ster conditioned for the payment of thirty six pounds ster with a warrant of attorney for confessing judgment thereon perfected by the said John Betty to the said Thomas Hall…” Witnesses: Rob Donnalson and Micah Weare both of Drumbane, County of Downe & the Rev William Rowan of Ballinderry. Registered January 24, 1765. |