Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, James; Grantee: Beatty, Volume 311, page 298, #210,354; FHL microfilm 531,684
"A Memorial of Indenture of lease bearing date the eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and seventy six made between James Beatty of Edensolas in the County of Fermanagh of the one part and Geo Beatty of Edensolas and s'd county of Fermanagh of the other part whereby the s'd James Beatty for and in consideration of the rent fees & dutys agreem'ts cov'ts & conditions in s'd lease mentioned did Demise grant sett farm let unto s'd Geo Beatty all that part or proportion of Edensolas wherein his house stands with the one third part of s'd lands Edensolas that was leased from Sir Arth Brooke Bart & in the possession of the sd Geo Beatty lying and being in the mannor of Brooth borough & County of Fermanagh & subject to all clauses & Covenants that the s'd James Beatty is bound to in his grand lease commencing at the Nov. last before the above sale during the natural lives of Robt. Beatty, James Beatty & Andrew Brown being the lives in said grand lease…" Witnesses: John Graham of Grogagh & Sam'l Briden of Sheogh both in the County of Fermanagh |