Irish Records
Grantor: Beatty, John; Grantee: Adams, Volume 285, page 44, #184252; FHL microfilm 531,658
December 28, 1765; "George Beatty of Barnagrove Adm'r and heir at Law to John Beatty late of Barnagrove Dec'd for the considerations therein ment'd did sell assign & make over unto Rich'd Adams of Corronary, Esq. all that part of Barnagrove & Cullis afores'd now in the Tenure Occupation & actual possession of James McFadden and his son Sam'l containing 34 acres…for and during the natural lives of him the said George Beatty & Marg't Young alias Beatty his the said George Beatty's sister.." Witnesses: John Sweeny of Corronary Schoolmaster & John Young of said Barnagrove, yeoman. Hugh Cosby of Thercock is also a witness. |