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Crossle Record

Page 165

Died 6 August, at the house of his brother Stewart Betty, Esq., Inniskillen [Enniskillen], after a tedious illness, Christopher S. Betty, Esq., senior Lieutenant 35th Regiment. 13 August 1838.

Census of 1821 Parish of St James, Dublin:
Number 3 St James Street -
James Beatty, inhabiting, aged 46, currier
Catherine Beatty, his wife,  " 22.
Mary Anne Beatty, his daughter " 5
Elinor Beatty, " " 3
Mary Redmond, her mother, aged 55, widow.

Number 163 St James Street -
George Smith, aged 34, gauger? of excise.
Eliza Smith,  his wife, aged 35
Anne Smith, his daughter, " 14
Catherine Smith, "  " 12
Mary Smith, " " " 7
John Smith, his son, " 4
Matilda Smith " daughter, " 2
Edward Blaney, his father-in-law, aged 60
Matilda Blaney, his daughter, aged 32
Catherine Beaty, widow, his daughter, aged 39

Census of 1821 - Parish of St Mary, Dublin:
Number 31 Granby Row
William Betty, " aged 28, gentleman
James Betty, his brother " 25
Maria Betty, his sister, " 30
Anne Betty, his sister, " 23
Frances MCue, aged 29, servant

Register of Parish of Crumlin, county Dublin:
2 March 1745-6. Henry, son of Henry Beatagh, buried
11 November 1748 Francis, son of John Haughton, buried
23 January 1748-9 William son of Henry Betagh, buried
29 June 1755 Henry Betagh, buried
7 February 1757 James Beatagh, buried
30 April 1769 Ralph Beasly, buried
30 October 1769 Henry, son of Henry Betagh, buried
8 November 1776 Patrick Beasly, buried
17 February 1777 Henrietta Betagh, buried
26 November 1786 Rebecca, daughter of John Beasly, buried
9 April 1787 Martha, wife of John Beasly, buried

Parish Register of Tallaght, county Dublin: No reference to Beatty or Betagh.

[Drawing that appears on page 165a—it is not labeled but I believe it is a drawing of the Coat of Arms for L8]

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