Crossle Record
Page 31
When he sold the lands to Deft. John Betty, because he was not able to pay said arrear of rent and sold his interest in the lands to John Betty for £10 because no one else would purchase same from him. That Rowland Betty one of the Defts & son to Deft. John Betty conveyed said lands to Deft. James Johnston for a consideration due by Deft, John Betty to s’d Deft Jas Johnston, knows this because this Dept. was a tenant under Deft. John Betty for 9 years before he conveyed the said lands to James Johnston. That about the year 1703 Plt. Sam Johnston entered as tenant on Tullycallrick and has heard that Deft’s John Betty’s son Rowland distrained Plt. Sam Johnston for rent since that time. Has heard that Deft. John Betty offered to sell s’d land to John Betty now of Sheaistown(?), Co. Tyrone for £10. That said lands lay waste for 2 years after Deft John Betty purchased them and then Deft. John Betty prevailed on this Dept and his brother-in-law that if they came to live on s’d lands at a chief reserved rent [he would give a lease?--PC] and they so lived on said lands for 7 years upon which they built a dwelling house, stable, cow house and a kiln to the value of £8.
[Signed:] James Cooke
Patrick McGuire of Tullycallrick, Co. Fermanagh, farmer, aged 28. Knows Deft. John Betty 9 years because he has lived in the neighborhood. Has heard that Plt. Samuel Johnston had a lease of said lands [as above] and sold same to Deft John Betty for £10. That about a year ago this Dept. met Rowland Betty son to Deft John Betty in said lands who then distrained Plt. Sam Johnston of cattle for an arrear of rent due by him to Deft. John Betty & this Dept. then helped sd Rowland to value said cattle at £1-6/- and afterwards this Dept. heard Plt. Sam Johnston thanking God he was but 6/- in arrear to Deft. John Betty [Signed:] Patrick McGuire.
Patrick McAnaron of Fardrum, Co. Fermanagh, farmer aged 39. Knows Deft. John Betty 30 years as he has lived in the neighborhood, and Betty was agent to sd Phebe Blenerhasset, knows the lands of Tullycallrick since he was a boy and has heard that Plt. Sam Johnston was possessed of same by right of inheritance from his father who had it in fee farm from Henry Blennerhasset; and that the land was dear about 1692, knows this because this Dept. held said land for three years afterwards at a reserved rent of £5-12/- and always afterwards lived on the lands next to it. That Plt. Sam Johnston being in arrear of rent to Phebe Blennerhasset Deft. John Betty paid same portion. That Deft. John Betty conveyed the lands to James Johnston in conson of a debt for which farmer James Johnston was bound for Deft John Betty, and that thereupon James Johnston came to this Depts. House to take possession of the lands upon which this Dept. attained(?) tenant to James Johnston. That Deft John Betty was in possession of said lands for 7 years before he conveyed same to James Johnston and after Jas Johnston got same, he with the assistance of Rowland Betty